Old Blog Not Indexed on Google? This is The Cause and Solution

Old Blog Not Indexed on Google? This is the Sause and Solution. For beginner bloggers who are just learning to manage a blog, concerns often arise when the blog or post they make is not indexed on Google.

This concern is reasonable considering that the Google search engine is still the largest source of blog visitor traffic on the Internet.

Every blogger certainly wants their blog to appear on the Google search engine in the hope of getting lots of visitors.

Before you can get lots of visitors from the Google search engine, the first thing you need to ensure is that your blog is indexed in the Google search engine.

So, for friends whose blogs or posts are currently not indexed, below I will share several reasons why old blogs are not indexed and also some tips so that your blog or post can be indexed quickly.

How to check whether a blog has been indexed or not

Before continuing with the tips, I will explain several correct ways to check whether our blog has been indexed on Google or not.

Not a few bloggers use inappropriate methods to check whether their blog has been indexed or not.

One way is to type keywords directly into the search engine, whether the keywords match the blog title or post title.

When a blog or post is not on the first page or even page 10 according to the keywords typed, this does not mean it has not been indexed. It could be that the blog or post has been indexed but is on the back page.

And even if the keywords have minimal competition or even no competition at all, there is no guarantee that your blog will automatically be on the first page.

The Google search engine ranks web pages not only based on keywords but many other factors.

1. Check the URL on the Google Search Engine

The first way is to check the URL of the blog or post directly on the Google search engine.

Yup, what is typed into a search engine is not the blog title or post title but the URL.

To check the blog URL (homepage), use keywords like these:


For example posts like this:


If it appears on Google it means it has been indexed, if it doesn’t it means it hasn’t been indexed. It’s that simple.

Check whether the blog is indexed

2. Check the URL in Google Search Console

If your blog has been registered with Google Search Console, you can also check it via the Google Search Console dashboard.

The way to do this is to enter Google Search Console, click the ” URL Inspection ” menu, then enter the URL you want to check. 


If the URL has been indexed, there will be a statement ” URL is on Google ” with a green checkmark icon.
If the URL has not been indexed, there will be a statement ” URL not in Google. “


When checking the URL via Google Search Console, you must type the actual URL.
For example, if we check the homepage URL without including WWW in front of it, the statement will appear as ” URL not in Google ” even though the URL is actually indexed.
Likewise with the mobile version of the URL behind which there is an additional parameter ?m=1. By default, the mobile version of the URL will not be indexed in Google because it is the canonical version ( duplicate version ) of the original URL.

Causes of Blogs Not Indexed

After knowing the correct way to check whether our blog has been indexed or not, we also need to know several causes that make our blog or post take a long time to be indexed or even not indexed at all in the Google search engine.

1. Blog and Domain Are Still New

The most common cause is that the blog and domain we use are still new. 

The word ” New ” here is relative, it could be 1 month 2 months, or more.

For example, if we create a blog and have not maintained it for a year, then the blog can still be considered a new blog.

Blogs that are relatively new will indeed index longer than blogs that are old.

The reason is firstly because Google still doesn’t know the existence of our blog, and secondly because our blog still doesn’t have a reputation so it will be given lower priority than other blogs that have been around longer.

2. Blocked by Meta Tag

As a blog or website owner, we can tell search engine bots not to index the blog we own, the way to do this is by using the Noindex Meta Tag code.

I’m sure no blogger wants their blog not to be indexed on Google, and deliberately installs the Noindex Meta Tag code.

The most likely thing that happens is because the Meta Tag settings are wrong so the Google search engine cannot index our blog.

On Blogger, Meta Tag settings can be accessed in the Settings menu > Crawler and indexing > Enable custom robot header tags.

When we activate this feature we have to be careful so we don’t set the wrong setting.

My suggestion is to just disable the meta tag settings. Unless you really understand how it works.

3. Blocked by robots.txt 

Apart from being able to tell search engine bots not to index our blog, we can also tell search engine bots not to crawl our blog or certain pages on our blog, namely using the robots.txt file.

Meta Tag and robots.txt codes have different functions. 

The Meta Tag code tells search engine bots whether our blog can be indexed or not, while robots.txt tells search engine bots whether our blog can be crawled or not.

Meta Tags = Indexing

robots.txt = Crawl

So even though search engine bots are blocked using the robots.txt file, our blog can still appear in search results.

However, if we set the robots.txt file incorrectly, the indexing process will take longer, or even not be indexed at all.

On Blogger, the robots.txt file settings can be accessed in the  Settings menu > Crawler and indexing > Custom Robots.txt.

To avoid the wrong settings, my advice is to disable this feature.

4. The domain has been banned by Google

The latter may be very unlikely to happen, but it could happen, namely because the domain used was previously banned by Google.

The reason a domain is banned could be because the domain was previously used on spam or malware websites.

Unfortunately, there is no way for us to know whether the domain we are using is actually banned or not.

But we can use the Wayback Machine tool to view the history of a website/domain.

If the domain has previously been used by a suspicious website, then there is a possibility that the domain has already been banned by Google.

Tips for getting your blog indexed quickly

Well, below are some tips so that your blog or posts on your blog can be quickly indexed in the Google search engine.

1. Register and Submit Sitemap in Google Search Console

The first tip is to make sure your blog has been registered with Google Search Console and has also submitted a sitemap file.

Registering and submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console, it will speed up the Google search engine bot to find our blog and also the posts on our blog.

For a complete explanation, please read my post about  How to Register for Google Search Console and Submit a Sitemap for Blogger.

2. Regularly and Consistently Update Content

How often the Google robot crawls blogs varies from one blog to another.

The most influential thing is the popularity of the blog being crawled. If the blog is very popular, the blog can be crawled by Google robots several times per hour, or even per minute.

Meanwhile, new blogs that are less popular may be crawled once per week, or even once per month.

That’s the reason why new blogs take so long to index.

We have to be more regular and consistent in updating the content on our blog so that it gains popularity more quickly. Lots of backlinks, lots of shares, etc.

3. Request Indexing Every Time You Create a New Post

One solution so that our blog or posts on our blog are quickly indexed without having to wait for our blog to become popular is to ” force ” the Google robot to crawl and index our blog. This can be done via Google Search Console. 

Please go to Google Search Console, click the URL Inspection menu, enter the URL you want to index, and then click ” REQUEST INDEXING “


Usually, in this way, the blog or post will be indexed in less than 24 hours.

So as long as your blog is still new and not very popular, make it a habit to make indexing requests via Google Search Console.

4. Build Good Internal Linking

Internal linking is an on-page SEO technique that has been proven for a long time. Besides being able to help increase rankings, internal linking also helps with search engine robot crawling.

Internal linking in terms of crawling has the same function as the sitemap that we submit to Google Search Console, namely making it easier for search engine robots to find pages/posts on our blog.

By the way, what is internal linking, bro?

Internal linking is a link from one page/post to another page/post on our own blog.

For example, if we create a new post, in that post we provide a link that leads to another, older post.

Widgets such as popular posts, related posts, or recent posts that display a list of posts also include internal linking.

However many people think that internal linking in posts is much more effective than widgets.

5. Be patient and enjoy the process

After doing all the tips above, we just need to be patient and enjoy the process.


Maybe this is the end of my post for now.

If there are typos in this post, please let me know in the comments column because I often make typos.

Thank You. 

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